Welcome to your portal to all things Roland Tec.
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Roland Tec Teaching dot com. Where all the most up-to-date info on Roland's groundbreaking and inclusive workshops as well as private availability in the RT Studio can be found.
"Is That Seat Taken?" Roland Tec on Substack.
Hear Me Out Monologues dot com produces the annual monologue competition and the ongoing Some1Speaking series plus the Alvin Epstein Award for Solo Performance.
For work written, directed and produced by Roland Tec, visit Roland Tec dot com.
Extra Criticum - performing arts blog
Hear Me Out YouTube Channel where you can browse more than 150 unforgettable monologues beautifully performed. TinyURL.com/HMOYouTube
A Nagging Feeling Best Not Ignored (written & performed by Roland Tec) was first performed in the summer of 2022 and is now preparing for conferences and festivals worldwide.
Roland Tec's music on Sound Cloud
Pinkplot Productions' Vimeo Channel includes several excerpts from Tec's 2008 film, WE PEDAL UPHILL.
Pinkplot Productions has produced all the films written & directed by Roland Tec as well as a handful of small theatre pieces.
Looking for one of Roland's pedagogy videos? Chances are you'll find it at the Roland Tec YouTube channel. This is also where you can access his Morning Music videos.